SMT Assembly Troubleshooting and Process Optimization at STI Electronics

STI Electronics Madison, AL USA 261 Palmer Road, Madison, AL, United States

Course Instructor:             Phil Zarrow and Jim Hall Course Time:                      8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. SMT Assembly Troubleshooting and Process Optimization - Lessons Learned from the Trenches and a Decade of Board Talk Description of the Course In over 30 years of consulting, Phil and…

Understanding and Implementing Best Practices in Electronic Assembly Processes” Workshop at STI Electronics

STI Electronics Madison, AL USA 261 Palmer Road, Madison, AL, United States

Jim Hall and Phil Zarrow of ITM Consulting will present world renowned  “SMT Assembly Boot Camp” workshop at STI Electronics, Madison, AL   ITM Consulting is well-known for their capabilities and accomplishments in the field of electronic assembly processes, materials, and equipment.  In this workshop industry experts Jim Hall and  Phil Zarrow, Principal Consultants at…